Technology Type | LCD (MSLA ) |
Overall Size | 285*247*46Smm |
BuildVolume (X,Y, Z) | 120•6s•1somm |
XY Resolution | 47µ m |
Z Resolution | 10µ m |
Layer Thickness | 0.02Smm,0.035mm, O.OSmm, O. mm |
Minimum Hole Diameter | 0.3mm |
Minimum Wall Thickness | 0.2mm |
Printing Speed | 12 36mm/hr |
Net Weight | 12.Skg |
Pattern Generation | 2K LCD panel (2560*1440Pixel) |
Light Source | 48W,405nm,Purple LED |
Resin Tank (Resin Vat ) | FEP release film,a luminium alloy frame |
Supports | Automatic and manual supports generation |
Input File | STL. /OBJ. /SLC. /DDEB. /DDWP |
Connectivity | Wifi/ Ethernet/ USB Disk |
Off line Print Capability | Yes |
Z Axis Slide | High-precision dualZ Axis slides |
Resins | Dazz 3D resins,3rd party resins compatible |
Software | DDStarter |
Systems Requirement | Windows,Mac |
Touch Screen | 7 Inches full-color touch screen, 90° rotatable |
Power | Input: 100 240V S0-60Hz 2.SA Output: 24V DC 4A |
Resin Fill System | Automated resin fill system (Easily replaceable} |
Air-purification System | Yes |
Sliding Peel Process with wipe | Yes |